I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
just a short message from me. hope you all don't mind spendin' a little time reading through. so, i just wanna wish iDEAS happy 8th month anniversary although i know how super late i am, and to make up the times i've been missing, i've decided to change iDEAS's layout though it isn't as awesome as the other sites ( credit to blogskins ). and whenever if i could and if Phebs would let me, i would volunteer to change iDEAS layout every month anniversary.
also, i got a message from Anna saying that iDEAS for nominated for Feisty Princess's Best Site and there's 100+ people voting for iDEAS. i just want to say thanks to those who have voted for iDEAS for supporting us. although i could see clearly who would be winning, i'm still happy to see iDEAS getting voted from quite a number which i don't really expected it to be. also, i want to thank everyone who has been working here, thank you for doing a great job and supporting iDEAS especially to Phebs who has been giving a never ending support. thank you Phebs for deciding to let iDEAS continue and i'm sorry about before.
i guess that's all from me~
have a nice day and please continue supporting us \m/