I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
Crepuscular Tears l 2PM jjang l Artsy Asian l Amis Infinity l Wtpho
Next, I noticed that some of the graphic requests are not sent to use and there has been a slight problem. I sincerely apologize to my requesters for the inconvenience caused. I'm still checking onto the problem, but at the moment, I hope it's not too much of a problem for you to email me your request with the following form and delete the brackets;
Subject* Graphic request; [ Your fanfic title ]
Author's name ; Email Address ; [ please make sure it's valid ] Story Title ; Story URL ; Preferred Designer ; [ Vrenille, WinterNight, i-random-me ;], Phebs, or Verity. Others are on hiatus ] Mood/Theme ; Want a background too ? ; Main Characters ; [ not more than 5 characters. Bands are exceptional ] Pictures ; [ please try to provide high quality pictures ] Quotes ; Anything else ? ; Want suggested color codes provided ? ; Notification ; [ by story or email ]