I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
Afternoon friends ;D So exam's pretty much screwing me inside and out. yeah, it's that bad ;p
so just want to announce that Keerain will be on hiatus now cause she needs to study hard ! ^^ good luck kee dongsaeng ! =X
and since not much are apply to be with us now, I've decided to join in the designer's team. watch out ! cause I'm still a newbie ! :P I may not make such pretty posters like them but I'll try my very best ^^
and also, good luck to those who are still sitting for their exams ! all the best ! aja ! hwaiting ! ;)