I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
Hello people ^_____^ how's your day today? It's freaking hot here today T____T
Dear staff members and requesters, please check the status -for requesters- and pickups -for staffs- page, to see if I've missed anyone's request (: Afterall, your webmistress is forgetful and blurr at times xD
Also, I really really need Trailer Makers who can make trailers other than Korean celebrities! Spread the word people! (:
SueWey is exhausted today~ There's standard sports tomorrow, SueWey is gonna be dead tomorrow~~ SueWey got assigned to present about Cabohydrates for Biology tomorrow, and SueWey hasn't prepared anything yet~~ SueWey need to start reviewing fics cause she procrastinate too long already~~ SueWey don't know what she's blabbing about~~