I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
Good evening everyone! (: How's your day? It's freaking hot here and I'm melting x____x I'm gonna be fried chicken -since I born in the year of rooster- Anyway, enough with me talking nonsense ==
I'm planning on changing the layout sooooooon~! :D Anyone interested to help a poor and 'little' reviewer here who doesn't know anything about Photoshop, to make her a lovely layout, icons, link buttons for ROL? xD ROL staff members? -besides Chazzie since she already helped me alot for my first layout- If you, yes you -points to whoever is reading this- are interested, just inform me at the tagboard along with your email address where I can contact you, OR just simply email me @ racheal_wee@hotmail.com -geez, wonder how many times I've posted my email add on each updates x___x- oh, and our affie, Symphonic Melody are looking for those who are interested to make them a layout too! Go to their site for more info about it (:
Also, I would like to thank Anna for giving me some suggestions to make ROL a better site :D I'll consider them and will most probably put them up.
and I still need Trailer Makers, people! No one's interested? ): You can even spread the news around xD -stares at the advertisers- Oh and I'll be needing some advertisers too! Interested? Please fill out ze form in the 'Staff Application'. Staff members interested? Just lemme know at the tagboard (:
That is all for now. I think. -cracks head- Yeah, that should be it.