Name : Catherine
Screen Name : WinterNight
Age : 13 (FINALLY tahha.)
Birthday : March 15, 96
Email :
winternight--@hotmail.comNationality : Viet
Interests // Hobbies : computer, running, piano, er.. SHINEE, and eating and sleeping. teehhe.
Favorite band // singer : SHINEE, dbsk, KARA, Big bang, etc.
Mini Intro : Hey there~~ ^^ How are you? I LOVE FOOD. but if i eat to much i get sick TT.TT, hmm i like to read, especially twilight tahah. im not very patient but im friendly and hyper. I love to play sports and feel free to e-mail me anytime~~ ^^
Fanfiction :
Always. Stay. With. Me.
Artworks :