Name : Andi
Screen Name : hanichan32319
Age : 17
Birthday : April 16
Nationality : Hispanic with lots of Texan in me
Interests // Hobbies : writing, singing, playing piano, reading, attending concerts, messing around with InDesign and PhotoShop...
Favorite band // singer : too many to name...^^
Mini Intro : HOLA! Mi llamo Andi! And that's the extent of my Spanish, lol. I absolutely love to read, fanfiction being one of the top things, and reviewing lets me hone my own skills as well as giving writers advice on theirs. When I'm not helping out you guys, I am keeping my newspaper staff in check, but I am considered the Nice Editor, my best friend being the Mean one. I promise to never let any of you down! Andi out!
Anything Else? : Since I am a senior, I will be busy at some points of the year. But, I will NOT let you down, webmissie and cowebmissie, nor will I let down any requesters! YOU HAVE MY WORD! ^^
Fanfiction :
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