I -- i
D -- design,
E -- explore,
A -- appreciate and,
S -- share.
Please support Dorkistic Design by promoting their site and feel free to request from them if you need any custom blogskin. Have a nice day!
How it all started? It was still in the early February and SueWey was extremely bored at that moment. She was browsing through all graphics && reviews site that she knew and suddenly had an urge to make a very site of her own. She hesitated whether she should make a site or not and discussed it with XiaoRi. XiaoRi too agreed that maybe they could make a site. SueWey debated with herself for several days and on the 20th of February, she finally decide to make a site too and she named it RawrOutLoud.
Why 'RawrOutLoud'? If you knew SueWey quite well, whenever she talks to you, she'll randomly say 'RAWR' for no apparent reason. At first, she thought of several names like, 'Midnight Sun', 'Midnight Moon', 'New Moon', 'Retrolicious', 'Rainbow' and 'Fairytales'. Then out of the blue, 'RawrOutLoud' popped in her head. She discussed the names with XiaoRi and both agreed with the name 'RawrOutLoud' because it sounds something different, unique and rare.
What are ROL's goal? SueWey, webmistress of ROL, wishes and has set her goal to make ROL a famous and better site just like 'Fanfic Addicts', 'BubbleTeaFiction' and so on. She created RawrOutLoud not only cause she wants to have fun but to also help as many Winglin authors as she can by making them graphics and trailers && also helping them improving in writing.