Before you start questioning us at the tagboard or by email-ing me,
please go through and check here first.
If there's anything you need to know or ask other than the questions here,
you may ask us at the tagboard or email me @ rawr.out.loud@hotmail.com
We'll try and reply your questions as soon as possible!
We'll probably be updating this page from time to time,
so do check out here sometimes!
Updated ;; 3 April 2009.
I want to be a part of ROL and want to apply as a crew here. Where can I apply?
You can apply to be a part of us by clicking on the 'Staff Application' section, get the form and email me. My email will be provided at that section.
Do I need to have a sample work // example when applying for staff?
It would be great if you could provide us at least 2 or more sample work or example. However, it's okay if you do not have any sample work or an example with you (if your new to this or inexperienced). But before we could officially accept you, we'll ask you to make us a graphic // trailer // review first.
Does RawrOutLoud reviewers accepts rated & yaoi fictions?
Yes, we accept rated fictions but not all of us do. To check who and which reviewer accepts rated fictions, click on the 'Staff' section.
And so far, for now, only SueWey and Anna accepts yaoi fictions.
How do I request for a poster && background // review // trailer?
You can request for either of the listed above by clicking on the 'Request' section. Be sure to read the rules first before requesting!
Will this particular staff work on my request if I choose this staff?
I can't guarantee you that the staff you've chose will work on your request if the staff has too many request to handle and/or going on hiatus. Therefore, your request will be put under another staff who has lesser request to work on yours. However, we will TRY our best to put your request under the staff you've chose.
How do I know if my request is accepted?
You can check whether your request is accepted or not at the 'Status' section.
Why I don't see my request in the 'Status' section?
You might not see your request in the 'Status' section either because;
- the webmistress has not updated the 'Status' section yet.
- the webmistress might not received your request. If so, please email and inform the webmistress or request again.
- you did not follow the rules and therefore your request will be automatically ignored or blacklisted.
- you might have not submit your form by 'accident' cause you have to re-confirm your form if your requesting from our site. That way it'll be easier for both you && the webmistress. Who know? You might have forgot some important infors you want to add in but you accidentally clicked 'submit' and then you have to send the form again, plus if you sent too many forms about the same posters due to the mistakes you made, the webmistress might get confused and all cause ROL's webmistress is blurr at times.
- or you could just simply ask us at the tagboard.
How long do I have to wait for my request to be done?
Please understand that we are humans and we have lives too. We may take some time to finish your request. However, graphic requests are estimated to be finished by at least 4 weeks, trailers by at least 6 weeks and reviews will be based on the length of the story and the reviewers'/trailer makers'/graphic designers' free time.
Why is my request under the pending list?
I would normally write down my explanation in the updates, so check out my updates once in a while.
Where do I collect my request once it's finished?
You may collect it at the 'Pickups' section but take note that the webmistress would removed finished requests every month. So do not hotlink us; save a copy of the graphic and put it up in your own server, incase if you somehow lost the graphic or whatsoever.
What do I do once I've collected my request?
Please leave us a note at the tagboard and don't forget to credit us once you've put the graphics // trailers // reviews up.
I've already requested for a poster && background here. Can I request again for a trailer or review too?
Of course you can! We would be delighted if you request more from us! Same goes if you already requested for a review and wish to request for more and vice versa.
I've already requested for poster // trailer // review here before for my fic. Can I request again for my other fic?
Of course our answer will be a 'yes'! Like we said before, we would be delighted if you request more from us!
How do I cancel my request?
You may cancel your request by clicking on the 'Cancel Request' section and fill up the form. However, cancellation of request after it's finished is not acceptable.Labels: FAQS
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Trailer Request
No. 1 - Please DO NOT request from us if you have already request a trailer for the same story from other sites. Respect the ones who made the graphics for you.
No. 2 - Also, DO NOT request from other site if you've already request from us.
No. 3 - Please understand that the trailer makers only make the trailers that claims as a fanfic teaser.
No. 4 - Please be patient with us. We are humans and we have lives too. I'll inform you if the trailer takes a very long time to complete. If you could not wait for it, then cancel your request.
No. 5 - However, if you wish to cancel your request for another reason, other than the stated above, please head over to the 'Cancel Request' section and fill out the form with your reason why.
No. 6 - Our current trailer maker is only able to make trailers with Korean // Japanese celebrities in it.
No. 7 - Trailer requests with fictional characters will be rejected, unless you don't mind replacing your characters with Korean // Japanese celebrities but with different names.
No. 8 - Once you've received your trailer from us, it is a MUST that you use it and credit us for it. Our trailer makers have worked hard for it.
No. 9 - You MUST provide us a valid and working URL story.
No. 10 - Fail to follow the rules, and your request will be ignored or you'll be blacklisted. Sorry if I'm rude but it's for the best. Please & thank you.
Sorry for the inconvenience but trailer request is currently closed till everything has settle down.
2 Thoughts:
Hello there. I was wondering if I request for a trailer, would I be able to upload the trailer onto my own account afterwards?
uhm, I guess you could, if you ask from the trailer maker, but I apologize that we do not accept trailer requests for now. It's sorta hectic now~~ sorry (:
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Review Request
Review Request
No. 1 - Please be patient with us. We are humans and we have lives too.
No. 2 - Your story has to be at least 4 chapters long before requesting for a review except for one shots.
No. 3 - Please don't feel offended with what we said in our review. We are here to help you improve yourselves in your next story. And DO NOT spam our tagboard with complaints if you're not satisfied with the review.
No. 4 - You MUST post up the review in a new chapter, whether the review is good or bad.
No. 5 - You MUST provide us a valid and working URL story.
No. 6 - If you would like to cancel your request, please head over to the 'Cancel Request' section and fill out the form with your reason why.
No. 7 - Also, if the reviewer that you've requested from isn't available, do take note that I might automatically put your request under another reviewer.
No. 8 - Fail to follow the rules, and your request will be ignored or you'll be blacklisted. Sorry if I'm rude but it's for the best. Please & thank you.
Rubic Grading;
Title: -/5
First Impression: -/10
Forewords: -/10
Plot: -/15
Creativity/Originality: -/15
Flow: -/10
Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: -/10
Characterisation: -/10
Writing Style: -/10
Overall Enjoyment: -/5
Sub Total: -/100
Bonus: -/5
Total: -/100
Click HERE for the form. Labels: REVIEW REQUEST
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Graphic Request
Graphics Request
No. 1 - Please DO NOT request from us if you have already request a poster for the same story from other sites. And DO NOT request from other sites if you're going to request from us. Respect the ones who made the graphics for you.
No. 2 - If you already requested a poster from us but changed your mind and want to request from another site. Please CANCEL your request here FIRST. You are NOT suppose to have multiple graphic requests for the same fic from different requesting site.
No. 3 - If you would like to cancel your request, please head over to the 'Cancel Request' section and fill out the form with your reason why.
No. 4 - If possible, please include valid picture URLs and make sure that they are HIGH QUALITY pictures.
No. 5 - Valid picture URLs are COMPULSORY for fictional characters that you want to include in the graphic. If not given we will presumed you give full rights to the designer to pick the picture to use.
No. 6 - Once the poster/background is done, its a MUST that you use it.
No. 7 - Please be patient with us. We are humans and we have lives too.
No. 8 - You MUST provide us a valid and working URL story.
No. 9 - You MUST provide us a valid and working email so the designers can contact you regarding your request. This is ESPECIALLY necessary for those wanting notification by email.
No. 10 - You MUST credit us for our work once you've pick up your poster in the forewords, end of the story or in a newly poster chapter. And DO NOT claim that graphic as yours. Our graphic designers have worked hard for it.
No. 11 - Please DO NOT modify or take off the credits on the poster & background. You want any modification made after the graphic is done, kindly refer to the respective designer.
No. 12 - Please take note that only 5 characters will only be in the poster. Bands are exceptional.
No. 13 - Also, if the designer that you've requested from isn't available, do take note that I might automatically put your request under another designer.
No. 14 - Fail to follow the rules, and your request will be ignored or you'll be blacklisted. Sorry if I'm rude but it's for the best. Please & thank you.
Click HERE for the form. Labels: GRAPHIC REQUEST
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Staff Application
We're currently looking for Trailer Makers who can make trailers feat Japanese Celebrities !
Interested in joining our crew?
Just simply email me @ rawr.out.loud@hotmail.com with the title 'ROL Staff Application' and the following form included;
Name :
Email :
Applying for :
Sample Work : [please provide at least 2 or 3]
How often are you online? :
Do you work at other sites? Where? :
Why RawrOutLoud? :Labels: STAFF APPLICATION
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NOTE : Any requests from authors, whose names are listed below, will be automatically be ignored. The names are listed from the latest to the oldest.
- None at the moment -
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link us
Do leave us a tag and tell us if you want to be affies with us! =3
100 x 35 ;;
Others ;;
Labels: linkus
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Graphic Request
Review Request
Trailer RequestLabels: REQUEST
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Ze Crew
&& Phebs »» anime_foreverz@yahoo.com
&& Buju »» sunny-chai@hotmail.com
Graphic Designers;
&& Vrenille »» vrenille23@yahoo.com
&& WinterNight »» winternight--@hotmail.com
&& Chazzie »» dorkistic_design@yahoo.co.uk
&& Phebs »» anime_foreverz@yahoo.com
&& luv_arron »» x3-arr0n_bubest@hotmail.com
&& Star-chan »» xinnnihiew@hotmail.com
&& small128 »» jennyhoang_@hotmail.com
&& Verity »» pingotan@gmail.com
Labels: STAFF
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